30 Jul 2008

My favorite kitchen item

No, it's not my Tupperware collection, nor my 50s style Smeg refrigerator because I can't afford one. It's my tiny empty tomato pulp cans. Nothing rare or special but I love their old fashioned style and their red color. I buy them in the super-market for less than 0,50 equally for their outside and their inside. They are produced by and old greek canning factory and I am glad they never "modernized" or "renovated" this package, I hope they 'll never do. I have them standing on my window sill next to a vintage tin box of the coffee I drink.

Here ΄s another kitchen decorated with vintage style cans.

The photo is taken from an old issue of greek magazine Inside.

22 Jul 2008

Don't underestimate papier mache

Recently I played with paper m âch é
to make the brooches you see in the pictures which you can find in my online shop. But you can create wonders with it. Think about the green aspect of it too, what better way to use the piles of newspapers that accumulate with time? China, Persia, Kashmir were important centres of the paper mâché art which later reached Europe, especially France and England. Can you believe that these were made of paper mâché? Three pen cases from Persia, 19th century. ( The above pictures are taken from the book "New Crafts - Papier Mâché" by Marion Elliot.) But let's see some beautiful, more contemporary creations:  Those of you who love crafting should try paper mâché.I will give some recipes soon.

19 Jul 2008

Don' t throw your clothes away

Before you throw in the garbage another bag of clothes that you are bored of or that they don't fit you stop and ask: could I possibly make something else using these? Yes, would answer Mari Santos who turns oversized t-shirts into stylish feminine clothes and accessories.

Have you ever thought that an old sweater can be turned into a cute elephant purse? Dot shows how it can be done here.

Tawny Holt of Armour Sans Anguish takes what would otherwise be wasted and makes inspired one of a kind clothes.

Tawny reclaims garments and fabrics from her inspiring surroundings and send them off into the world utterly t
When I think of all those clothes I have thrown away all these years...

Tawny reclaims garments and fabrics from her inspiring surroundings and send them off into the world utterly transformed
Tawny reclaims garments and fabrics from her inspiring surroundings and send them off into the world utterly transformed
Tawny reclaims garments and fabrics from her inspiring surroundings and send them off into the world utterly transf
Tawny reclaims garments and fabrics from her inspiring surroundings and send them off into the world utterly transformed

Tawnyclaims garments and fabrics from her inspiring surroundings and send them off into the world utterly transfor

12 Jul 2008

Granny's revenge : crochet

If in the past you looked down on your grandmother's crochet creations considering them too conservative and unsophisticated it's time to change your mind. Thanks to talented crafters and designers, crochet is getting renovated and isn't any more a technique to make boring doilies but in the contrary the way to hip garments and accessories which can totally uplift your looks. Take a look to the pictures below and you 'll see what I mean.

Well, do you think about taking up crochet lessons?

How to make a new bangle out of an old bangle

Trying unsuccessfully to organize my drawers I found this old plain wooden bangle. I felt like playing a little and make something with it so I searched a little more and found some tulle, half a meter of trim and some beads and sequins in matching colors.

I put a little glue for fabrics on the bangle, waited a couple of minutes and wrapped the trim around it.

I cut 5 pieces of tulle measuring 10cm x 28cm, folded in half the first one and folded again over the bangle.

I pleated it and with a fine fishing line and some random stitches I secured the piece of tulle on the bangle. I went on with the other 4 pieces.

Finally I sewed on the sequins and the beads, with fishing line too.

Et voila!
A special, little extravagant I must admit, accessory for a warm summer evening out.

8 Jul 2008

French style

Quite some time before I even thought of creating a blog I had bookmarked this one. It belongs to a French lady who describes her adventures in the flea markets and the antiqueries looking for beautiful, old objects for her home. Look at all the amazing things she has collected. She creates charming little sceneries which she shares with us in her pictures. Here she presents her easy but so unique creations, always in vintage style. Enjoy images that are full with the grace of old times.

5 Jul 2008


The shape of leaf with its endless variations is one of my favorites. Probably it's a favorite for a lot of artists and crafters. Look at the beautiful handmade creations I found with this theme:

Gorgeous rings by esdesigns

and by Modernbird

beautiful earrings by Fleurfatale

and by gemmafactrix

two different styles of necklaces by kinzaw

and by simonewalsh

and you will find this one in my shop

But apart from handmade jewelry, here are some other creations with leaves:

A clutch by stacyleigh

tags by KnottyStash

pottery by botanicraft

and by catheadstudio

this sweet sachet by Jewelweeds

and this painting by pumpernickelforest