beauideal makes these stylish note cards.
Look at this easy way to decorate your candle holders, it would be perfect decoration for a wedding reception, found on Sweet Paul.
Ravenhill makes this beautiful garland from doilies and linen. It would also look very pretty in a wedding party I think, but I would love to put it in my house too.
Here's a key fob by MaryMo
Look how beautiful are these stones covered with crochet. They're made by knitalatte.
I loved this idea! What a nice way to reclaim all those doilies you 've been hiding for years! You 'll find this lamp in nice.
If you appreciate all the work behind a crocheted doily or have memories connected to it and wonder how to incorporate them in a simple and elegant interior, here's a pretty way. See how to do it on Craftynest.
I have tons of doilies in my closets!!!Yoy gave me great ideas to exploit them!!!Great post!!!
Great post always!!!!
I love your themes...!!
Η μαμα μου που ειναι χρυσοχερα μου εχει γεμισει τα συρτάρια....μηπως ηρθε η ωρα να τα βγάλω και αυτα??και να γινω πιο μοντερνα????
γιαπ! Πολύ καλή αναφορά στη δαντέλα που όντως κάνει δυναμική επανεμφάνιση!
wow tina einai toso special post.... bravo|)
καιρος να βγαλω τα σεμεδακια απο την ντουλαπα!
thank you
beautiful.. beautiful|) bravo tina super post
You can't imagine how many I have!
I am keeping them in my drawers!
I think I have to take them out!
The time is now!!!!
Όλα τα σεμέν στη φόρα! I asked the other day my mother "where do we keep all those doilies?" and she looked at me like I was crazy.
I discovered sweet pauls blog a while back and loved what he does with doilies!! Love kintallete too and that lamp is gorgeous! Wonderful post, Tina!
δεν ήμουν ποτέ φαν των σεμέν! ειλικρινά όμως μέσα από το ποστ σου βρήκα πραγματικά πρωτότυπες ιδέες. με highlight αυτή για τη διακόσμηση στα κηροπήγια! :) τέλεια!
These are fantastic ideas.
The hanging lamp is SO SWEET.
I love it.
Framed doilies are perfect wall hanging, so interesting.
Αυτές οι κορνίζες με τα πετσετάκια είναι φανταστικές!
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