8 Oct 2008

A young designers trade show

This weekend I hope I will make it to Tell a Story . It's a trade show for young designers which is going to take place for the third time and more specifically between the 10th and 12th of October 2008 at K44 (Konstantinoupoleos 44, Gazi). It will open on Thursday 9th of October at 21.00h with a big party open to all.
Tell a story is focusing on the presentation of fresh and innovative work of young designers, aiming to promote it within the greek and foreign market. Forty young designers will present their collections of clothing, fashion accessories, jewellery, bijoux, objects, t-shirts for Spring - Summer 2009, always in small quantities and high quality. The exhibition is for trade only or by special invitation.

Here are some of the participants :


Anonymous said...

What an exciting event! Please tell us all!!!

ingermaaike said...

OOohh wish I could go!

Greet said...

hehe, I know some of the paritcipants, wish I could go there!!!!!!!

StaroftheEast said...

How cool!! Wish I could come!

glasfaden said...

Oh, good luck, you all! Looking forward to read about it.

karlita said...

hope you make it do and give us a report! And i know the first participant :)

creationsbyeve said...

This sounds very interesting!I wish I could participate too :)

P.S. You are tagged :0

amy turn sharp said...

so cool!!!