Μy sister had given my a perfume with matching shower gel and body lotion as birthday present, in this beautiful heart shaped box, dressed in blue satin fabric.

Of course this is not a box to throw away and since it was not very deep I thought it could make a beautiful jewelry display.

I had my husband open little holes on the sides with a drill.

I passed a pink satin cord from one hole to the other.

I had this flower decorative ball which I didn't use anymore and so I took some flowers off.

When I teared them apart I noticed that they had holes in the center.

I passed the satin cord through the flowers' hole in the external side of the box.

I made a knot to hold the flower in place and continued with the rest of the holes.

So now I have two small jewelry displays that look like this.

The only thing I have to decide is whether I will hang them on the wall or put them on some kind of stand.
Of course this can be done with any kind of box as long as it isn't very deep. If you make your own I would like to see what comes out.
This is beautiful! Very good idea! :)
Looks great! What a clever idea!
These look great!! I always love to re-use things!!
great idea and looks so lovely!
I like this idea - they look beautiful :)
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